Eon: Ruby Gem

Secure encrypting/decrypting of .env files.

For many years the team I’m on used the CodeShip Jet CLI tool for .env files. Jet CLI generates a secure key then encrypts files with it. The general idea was that you could encrypt your .env file or other configurations and check them into version control. Storing the secure key in a company folder or using a secure server to send it to other employees all they would need to do is run jet decrypt creds.env.encrypted creds.env and voila project credentials are ready to go.

As we moved away from CodeShip I missed the Jet CLI and couldn’t find a similar tool anywhere so I spent a few afternoons putting together something that would satisfy my own needs. It’s been used on a few projects internally where I work. I’ve never publicized it or anything but I’d love to hear your thoughts if you are looking for a tool like this.

Get it from RubyGems or fork it on GitHub